Day 4 - Maasai Tribe, Banana Plantations, and a Village Expedition 💪

     We started the day by visiting the Maasai tribe, one that continues to practice traditional culture and ways of life. When we first arrived, they performed a song and dance for us, the dance consisting of jumping up and down (until our legs gave out). Soon after, we joined in with the dancing, as well. 

Afterwards, we went to see the gravesite of Meshuko Mapi Laizer, the founder of that Maasai region who was greatly respected for his revolutionary medicine techniques. 

From there we drove to a banana plantation in Mto Wa Mbu (meaning river of mosquitos 😬) for lunch, where we had traditional Tanzanian food (including plantains, beef stew, polenta, and RED BANANAS!!, which were actually orange). After lunch we had a tour of the banana plantation, where we learned about how bananas are grown and harvested. We then visited a local tribe's wood carving factory and got to see some incredibly detailed wooden crafts. Some students even got the chance to chisel/carve some wood. Then we continued exploring the town, where we were able to purchase some unique and original souvenirs (which you will see once we get back!).

    Once we returned to the bus, we were swarmed with many street vendors trying to sell us souvenirs, and Audrey, Gio, and Juan ended up getting matching Tanzanian soccer jerseys. Overall, it was quite chaotic, but we had such a blast! :)

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Ella and Kate :)


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