First Blog Post - Reminders for Sunday Launch

 Yesterday was our Pre-Trip Orientation and a chance to bond and connect, answer questions, and get pumped up about the trip!   We heard first from Mr. Brown, Mr. Gelb, and Ms. Marks addressing: What are the trip’s purposes and goals? What are the expectations about student engagement and behavior? What health precautions are needed while we are there? Then we launched into some fun “get to know each other” activities: In pairs, we created a “special handshake” and performed it for the group and performed a Disney song that best expressed how we were feeling about going to Tanzania.  In groups of 4 we posed for an “awkward family holiday photo.”  We shared our personal goals for the trip and discussed the day-to-day itinerary for the trip.   As a group, we established our “community norms” using a stoplight metaphor: Red = Behaviors we DO NOT want on the trip. Yellow = Behaviors that might be CAUTIONARY (such as types of humor or comparisons) Green = Behaviors we DO want on the trip.

We shared our personal goals for the trip and discussed the day-to-day itinerary for the trip.  
As a group, we established our “community norms” using a stoplight metaphor:
Red = Behaviors we DO NOT want on the trip.
Yellow = Behaviors that might be CAUTIONARY (such as types of humor or comparisons)
Green = Behaviors we DO want on the trip.

With the stoplight metaphor, our group produced some excellent norms for our trip:
Red = No bigotry, cliques, rumors, secrecy, inappropriate clothing, etc.
Yellow = Watch out with sarcasm, cultural comparisons, sensitive health topics, etc.
Green = Respect cultural differences, participate, communicate, be inclusive, be flexible, try new things, look out for each other, “cultural appreciation not appropriation,” etc.

We discussed what it means to be a “good house guest” and arrived at some important qualities: be polite, helpful, clean and tidy, be respectful of rules, connect and be present, and always remember your homestay parents care about your safety and well-being.

We each took time to write a “letter to our future selves” which we will open the day after we return and come back to Menlo campus. These letters expressed what we are feeling in anticipation of the trip, our goals, curiosities, excitements, and worries. When we open these in June, they will help us gain perspective after three weeks of experiencing so many new and different things.

Finally, we practiced our first daily check-in, which will always include: How are you doing physically and emotionally? What do you need? and a fun question related to Tanzania, such as: If you could be an animal on the African savannah that best represents how you are feeling today, what would it be and why?

We are so excited for the many big adventures to come and are thrilled to be sharing these as a group!  We leave tomorrow!

Friendly Reminders
-Arrive tomorrow morning 5/19 at SFO International Terminal. KLM, at 11:00 am
-Bring a crisp, clean, $100 bill for visa entry into Tanzania.
-Any other spending money for Tanzania: bring smaller bills (some singles and 5s)
-If checking baggage, you will need to pay $40 (cash or credit card).

-Mr. Mitchell and Sareena

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