Tanzania Abroad Orientation - Friday, 12:35 pm in A242

Tanzania Abroad Students and Parents,

Welcome to the final week of Spring semester and the beginning of Menlo Abroad: Tanzania! Here are reminders of the first two and crucial dates:

1. All TZ-Abroad students should attend orientation: this Friday, 5/17,12:35 pm - 3:00 pm (or so) in A242

2. All should muster on Sunday, 5/19, 11:00 am, SFO, International Terminal, for the departing flight. Please be prompt. See the Course Preparation Manual for full flight itinerary and details.

Parents,  Here is the link to the Tanzania Abroad Blog.  Please check it on Friday evening and frequently once the group is in Tanzania for daily updates. 
Peter Brown
Global Programs Director
History Instructor
650-330-2001 x2238

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