Day 13 - Retreat at Eileen's Tree Inn

Hi Blog! 

Today we had our long awaited break at Eileen’s Tree Inn! We got to school at 8am and said goodbye to our homestay partners for the next 24 hours. Once we made it to the hotel, we had our morning check in on some very comfy couches. Then we were given the rest of the morning to hang out which for most people involved drinking coffee, tea, and checking out the beautiful rooms. Lunch was wonderful and included French fries and ketchup (a familiar favorite). After lunch, we had a competitive game of volleyball and then made our way to the pool to swim and sunbathe for the rest of the afternoon until it was time to get ready for dinner. We had a quick reflection session of the trip so far, and brainstormed some ways to make the most of our time remaining here in Tanzania. Dinner was a fantastic buffet with plenty of options, and now we are all settling around the coach for a movie or around the campfire for a sing along. We’re all excited for the champions league final later tonight, and to sleep in a bit tomorrow!

- Savannah and Liliana



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