Day 18 - Celebrations and Departure from Banjika

Today was our last day at our homestay families :(  When we got to Banjika School in the morning, we did some fun activities with both the Menlo and Banjika students. Then we had an appreciation ceremony with Menlo students and staff, Banjika students and staff, homestay families, and staff from WLS, Land Africa, and the NGO’s. There we heard speeches from representatives of each of those groups. At the end of the speeches, the Banjika students gave Menlo students kitengas (traditional Tanzanian attire). The Menlo students put them on and went outside to take group photos.

Thereafter, we went to see one of the lamps that we installed in the school and explained to the homestay families how it works. Then we all ate lunch together and celebrated Lucy’s birthday (a Banjika student) with a cake and fun singing celebration. Then we all went outside to say our final goodbyes to the homestay families. We got on the bus and drove over to a hotel, where we will be staying the night before we leave tomorrow for the airport.

We are sad to leave Africa, but are looking forward to coming back home!

See you soon,

Ella and Roya

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